Who we are
Hello, I am a physical therapist and specialist in Chiropractic, Shiatsu, Dry Needling (acupuncture needle), Kinesiotape, Gua Sha and TIQ - Chiropractic Instrumental Therapy. I have 25 years of experience in the area of rehabilitation in Brazil and the USA in pain relief, especially back pain, tendinitis and chronic pain.
Chiropractic Services
At Chiropractic Dr. Eduardo Bermudes, we believe in treating the body as a whole rather than treating an injury or clinical condition in isolation. With that in mind, we offer a wide range of care to help improve movement and functionality. Keep reading to find out more.
Read about each package below and choose the one that best suits your needs. We're always open to customizing our plans, so if you have any questions about our rates and availability, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Our Services
1 hr
50 euros1 hr
160 euros
Contact us
Feel free to contact me by phone or email. You can also fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
TELEPHONE: +351 - 935968823