Dry Needing
Dry needling (acupuncture needles) is the solution to relieve your muscle pain, spine, tendinitis, bursitis and other chronic pain. The technique is also suitable for people looking to regain movement. The procedure consists of placing needles on nerve endings referring to the problem being treated and also directly on the pain site.
The biggest advantage of the technique is that pain relief can be felt even in the first session. Discover its benefits:
-Reduces pain;
-Improves the Movement;
-Accelerates the recovery process;
- Decreases local inflammation;
-Eliminates muscle contractures - tension nodules.
Chiropractic Services
At Chiropractic Dr. Eduardo Bermudes, we believe in treating the body as a whole rather than treating an injury or clinical condition in isolation. With that in mind, we offer a wide range of care to help improve movement and functionality. Keep reading to find out more.