The spine is literally arranged in the center of our body and, therefore, balancing it is essential, chiropractic is the most indicated treatment and that brings good results, therefore, resorting to spinal manipulation and body handling to adjust or treat problems related to joints, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, that is, everything that concerns the biomechanical disorders of the human body, such as orthopedic pathologies and joint pain in general, especially those of vertebral origin Low back pain, Cervicalgia, Dorsalgia, pain caused by nerve compression such as Sciatica, or sciatica, Osteophytosis or the famous parrot's beak, Tendinitis, Bursitis, muscle tensions , postural disorders, Scoliosis, Headaches, TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) dysfunctions.

Chiropractic Services
At Chiropractic Dr. Eduardo Bermudes, we believe in treating the body as a whole rather than treating an injury or clinical condition in isolation. With that in mind, we offer a wide range of care to help improve movement and functionality. Keep reading to find out more.